Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Manchurian Candidate

Some people say President Obama's black. Others see the glass as half full by point out he's also half white.

BUT, the truth is that he's neither black nor white. Obama is the first yellow president. He was just another Asian nerd from Harvard until the Chinese put their power and secret influence behind him.

Beware. China Rises.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Harry the Commie

The Chinese censors have always protected Prince Harry, a secret Chinaman, because he's their key to their secret takeover of Britain. Harry's offended everyone sand niggers, fags, kikes, everyone except Chinks!

The above picture has been suppressed by the Chinese. It is a candid capturing Prince Harry Wang in casual dress.

Comrade James Bond

In the critically acclaimed Skyfall, Bond returns home. Nope, not Scotland but Shanghai China.

Daniel Craig is not Bond. He's Chinese!

James Bond has always been secretly a Chinese double agent. Think about it, if he's on our side, then why id he always shooting at us? Go back and watch, all the Bond movies start with him shooting at us. We're lucky to be alive.

The only possibility: James Bond is Chinese!

Beware. China Rises.

Prince Harry of China

The British Royal family has been at the center of a lot of crack pot conspiracy theories: secret nazis, secret masons, secret illuminati, secret reptilian aliens, all of which is nonsense of course. The Royals are just people everyone else, just look at Prince William's sweater shirt combos.

HOWEVER, one royal is a Chinese person: Prince Harry. Many have speculated that Prince Charles is not the legitimate father of Harry. Recent evidence has surfaced to confirm these rumors in the most unlikely place.

We all know scandalous paparazzi photos of Harry have surfaced showing his "crown jewels", his "royal scepter", reffering to himself in the "royal we-we". But the one thing no one is talking about is his dick and balls, probably because they were so miniscule. Fully erect and aroused by a stunning Aryaness, Harry was incredibly small which could only mean one thing: Prince Harry is Chinese.

This is incontrovertably confirms the long standing rumor that Harry is the love child of Princess Diana and a Chinese delivery boy named Ding-dong Wang. Making the Prince's true name: Harry Wang.

This is of course part of China's plan for world domination by usurping the British Crown and turning Britian into a puppet state.

Beware. China Rises.

Star Trek Villain Revealed

Finally the villain of the highly anticipated Star Trek Sequel has been revealed: CHINA!

JJ Abrams has been successful in keeping the villain secret until now. According to an insider, Benedict Cumberbach, portrays personification of China:

" In the distant future, China's one child policy reduces the Chinese population to one man. A superchinaman who destroys Starfleet from within in order to conquer the universe. Of course it is up to Captain Kirk to stop him."

Trek fans have already expressed outrage since this villain is non-canon.

A Chinese Papacy

The great Aryan Pope Benedict's abdication was a covert regime change initiated by the Chinese as part of their plan for world domination.

Jesus has long warned us of China's threat. Much of his carpentry business was outsourced by the Romans to Chinese child labor.

Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergog Ling, has been known for his censorship of anti-Chinese verses in the the bible like the following:

Psalms 23:4
Though I walk through the valley in China, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of in China are low; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Matthew 7:15 
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious Chinamen.

Beware. China Rises.